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Online Giving

You can use this page to pay your tithes and offerings or to make a donation to Naomi Temple A.M.E. Zion Church.  You can also pay for events or merchandise which may be available from time to time.  Be sure to designate the destination of your payment in the "Instructions" section that your funds may be properly directed.


Thank you for your financial support.


You can also donate using the mobile app below which can be downloaded to your Android or iPhone. Give any time, any place, in as little as 3 clicks.  Once set up, be sure to set Naomi Temple as a "favorite" or as "Home Church" if you are a member.


If you already have Givelify you can go straight to the Naomi Temple page by clicking below:

For Android: Click here       For iPhone: Click here


Now you can give through Givelify directly from this website using the button below:



Cash App  



Enrolled as naomitempleamez@yahoo.com


Naomi Temple A.M.E. Zion Church

59 Babylon Turnpike

Roosevelt, NY 11575

P: (516) 623-9340

F: (516) 623-6171

Email: naomitempleamez@yahoo.com



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Refund Policy